Marvel Studios' first animated offering What If...? premiered its debut episode this week to much fanfare from the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe community and it's already safe to say that the studio knocked another one out of the park. The premiere episode was headlined by Captain Carter who takes Steve Rogers' place as the multiverse version of the super-serum-powered First Avenger.
Following the release of the episode, Atwell received a tremendous amount of praise for her voice acting in the said series but unfortunately, the same thing can't be said for Sebastian Stan. As good of an actor he is, many fans believe that voice acting is not exactly his forte and they made sure the entire world knew about their respective opinions on social media. Taking to Twitter, fans of the Winter Soldier actor heavily criticized his voice acting style which according to them could use a lot of work. Check out some of the reactions below:
Also Read: Marvel Reacts to Dave Bautista's Claims That He Wasn't Asked to Join What If...?
Personally speaking, I don't think Stan's acting was to blame because it wasn't as bad as some people make it to be. I believe the problem was the character he was given. For years, fans have gotten so used to his brooding take on Bucky Barnes so to see him cracking jokes all of a sudden and become a more fun-loving character is something I wasn't too fond of and I'm pretty sure a lot of people share the same sentiment. Was it a welcome change? Apparently not.
What If...? is already streaming on Disney+.