We Might Get Two Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailers

So, how grim was the footage for Avengers Endgame? We saw a weeping Steve, an angry Black Widow, and Tony Stark accepting the fact that he is going to die in the Milano. Aside from Ant-Man's brief appearance, in the end, this was an all-time low for the MCU Avengers. There might be some hope yet for fans of the MCU as a rumor claims that there will be two Spider-Man: Far From Home trailers coming out soon.

Fans liked how Spider-Man: Homecoming was one of the lighter MCU movies in recent memory, so it looks like the same can be said for Far From Home, though it will probably be a bit more somber than the previous film. After all, there's no way that Peter Parker won't feel the effects of what brings he and the other Avengers back from the dead.

Rumor has it that we'll be seeing a new Far From Home trailer this weekend so the fact that we might see two is a huge deal. Granted, this could be a tease and one of those trailers is just a TV spot. That or they go trailer crazy like they did for Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 2019, unless Marvel and Sony change their minds like they did Avengers: Far From Home.

Via TrailerTrack

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