HBO's Watchmen comes out next week and fans have a lot of expectations, especially when you consider all the good reviews that have come out recently. Many take umbrage with the fact that Damon Lindelof is making an unofficial sequel to the classic graphic novel, especially since DC is also doing that with Doomsday Clock to mixed results, and it looks like the showrunner is feeling that pressure.
Why? Well, according to an interview with Vulture, he feels that Alan Moore put a curse on him.
It's no secret that Moore, the writer of the Watchmen graphic novel, doesn't like his work getting adapted since it always ends up badly. From Hell had a bad movie, no one liked League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and V for Vendetta was well-liked but strayed away from Moore's original vision.
Now, Lindelof feels like he's cursed. His oddball explanation on why he thinks that way was, "When Zack was making Watchmen — and I only know this because I watched the DVDs — I was like, ‘This guy is having the time of his life!' And I did not enjoy any of this. That's the price that I paid. Psychological professionals would probably suggest that I emotionally created the curse as a way of creating balance for the immorality."
Honestly, it's sad to know that Lindelof wasn't too happy making this show so here's hoping the good reviews make up for that. The showrunner has stated that he is only planning a single season story but is open to more, depending on fan reaction. Hopefully, if it does get a second season, he is much happier when making it.
HBO's Watchmen comes out on October 20.
Read:Watch: HBO's Watchmen Set Tour Reveals Certain Easter Eggs and Plot Points