Watch: Storm Player Loses On Turn-2 in A Magic: The Gathering Modern Tournament

Magic: The Gathering players who use Modern Blue/Red Storm decks can go off and combo in a few turns after casting a plethora of spells but at there's one Storm player who decided to quit by turn 2 in a Modern Star City Games Open at Cincinnati. It was the first game of the finals of the October 2017 event between Collin Mullens' five-color Humans deck and Scott Simmons' Blue/Red Storm deck. When Mullens plays Meddling Mage naming "Grapeshot" on Turn 2, Simmons immediately concdes because it stops his win condition. Of course, it probably didn't go that fast on Game 2 since Simmons has 3 Lightning Bolts in his sideboard, but it's still amusing to see a Storm player quit after seeing a Meddling Mage. Watch the clip via Twitch below:


Thanks to Ixalan's addition of Unclaimed Territory, it looks like five-color Humans is now seeing more competitive play. 

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