It’s been almost a decade since Robot Chicken made fun of Star Wars in their Episode III special, and now the show has come up with a little segment putting the nerd character smack-dab in the middle of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Check it out:
It’s funny how the skit manages to poke fun at the fans and their crazy theories as well; too bad they were all blown out of the water after Rian Johnson’s release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Besides all that, the nerd manages to spout everything that the fans have been complaining about online, like the fact that Adam Driver doesn’t look like Harrison Ford/Carrie Fisher or the fact that Rey has mastery over her Force powers without any proper training.
With Star Wars being given a new life, a lot of fans have been curious as to why we haven’t gotten any Robot Chicken Star Wars specials anymore. According to RC co-creator Matthew Seinreich, the Disney acquisition has made the relationship of Star Wars and Robot Chicken a bit more complicated. You can read about ithere.
Hopefully Disney eventually allows RC to continue poking fun at the movies. After all, the show is full of Star Wars fans, and who better to make fun of the franchise than the nerds that love it endlessly?
Catch Robot Chicken on Adult Swim.
See Also: Robot Chicken: Things Have Been Different Since Disney Acquired Star Wars