Watch: Is It Worth It To Buy Magic: The Gathering's Masters 25 Set?

Screen Cap: Tolarian Community Collage/ YouTube

Masters 25, the Magic: The Gathering compilation set that coincides with the game's 25'th Anniversary, features some powerful reprints like Chalice of the Void, Blood Moon, and Jace, the Mind Sculptor, but with an MSRP price of $9.99 per booster pack, is it really worth it? 

According to The Professor of Tolarian Community College, the answer is "no". 

In this video, he breaks down the amount of mythic rares and rares that are worth more than $10, and there's a not a lot of them. The Professor doesn't think it's reasonable for Wizards of the Coast to price these packs at $9.99 each. He also questions the choice of cards to represent certain sets. He doesn't go in-depth about the draft experience of Masters 25 but it sounds like he didn't have a good experience drafting the set. 

Watch the video below: 


His final conclusion: "Do not crack packs for value or for needed cards for Modern decks. If you have the opportunity to draft, and you can afford to do so, then that is the best way to engage this product." 

Do you agree with The Professor's final conclusion? Do you think Masters 25 is worth it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Masters 25 will have 249 cards. Its MSRP price for each booster pack is $9.99. It will be available on March 16, 2018, in English, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese languages.

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