Watch Gameplay Footage of Obi-Wan in Star Wars Battlefront II

The Star Wars Battlefront II community is eagerly awaiting the drop of Obi-Wan Kenobi in a few days, and thanks to BattlefrontUpdates on Youtube, we have over 15 minutes of gameplay footage for everyone's favorite Jedi Master.

When Obi-Wan drops, his default skin would be one without the robe unlike in the video. To get the robed look for Kenobi, you'll have to cough up some in-game credits.

We have a good look at Kenobi's abilities at play. We see that he has a very unique Force push as compared to Luke's. It has a narrower hit box, but players will be able to hold it to reach a very far range plus they can aim it as well.

Obi-Wan also has a mind trick ability which cancels out abilities for a short while. It pretty much plays out like a hack from Sombra in Overwatch. It's said to be really useful against heroes when you play.

Obi-Wan also has this move which is very similar to Grievous' unrelenting advance where he runs forward swinging his lightsaber. It does seem to move a lot faster though, and it also has a huge hit box, even hitting heroes that seem to be out of reach.

I also love how sassy all of Obi-Wan's lines are. When he's dropped in Naboo, he'll say something snide about thinking he was going to a ‘relaxing' place.

Obi-Wan's drop is only half of the Clone Wars season for the game. Next year will see the arrival of Count Dooku as well as Anakin Skywalker. Besides them, there have been data miners who have found evidence that Ahsoka and Padme could be coming to the game.

Star Wars Battlefront II is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Obi-Wan and the Geonosis update come Nov. 28.

See Also: Star Wars Battlefront II Geonosis Trailer Gets More Views in 4 Days Than TLJ Season Got in a Year