Watch Brie Larson Geeking Out at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge

With Disney owning both Marvel and Star Wars, it's only natural that there should be some crossing of perks when it comes to people who work on one franchise. Captain Marvel's Brie Larson apparently got early access to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, and you can watch her geek out here with her friends during one of the main announcements:

We don't know who came onstage here, but we do know that it could have either been Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams, George Lucas, or Disney CEO Bob Iger.

If you haven't seen them yet, Larson also has some photos with actor/director friend Jessie Ennis where they both play with lightsabers. You can also see her here in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon:

So far, the main attractions of Galaxy's Edge have been the Millennium Falcon: Smuggler's Run, but there are also workshops where guests can build droids or lightsabers, and the cantina is especially alien-themed, serving drinks from a galaxy far far away. Besides the troopers and rebels walking around, you can also see some parked Star Wars ships all around the park, from TIE Fighters to X-Wings, and the mysterious new TIE Echelon.

Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge just opened at the Disneyland Resort last week, and everyone is gearing up to visit.

See Also: Star Wars Costumes Reportedly Banned From Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge