Were you unhappy with the way Natasha Romanoff was killed off in Avengers: Endgame? Several fans have pointed out that Black Widow didn't deserve the death scene she ended up with in the Marvel Cinematic Universe flick. But interestingly, Scarlett Johansson actually filmed an alternate death scene for the character and it's infinitely better than what was featured in the theatrical cut.
The alternate death scene has been shared on Twitter and it's got a lot of action. You know, the kind of thing that Nat would love to get in the middle of. It also features a more important reason why Nat needed to take the leap so Clint Barton could possess the Soul Stone. Watch it below.
Okay, so we're still not happy about the fact that Nat had to go in Endgame. Still, this is a more fitting conclusion for the character, who has yet to back down from an epic shootout (against Thanos' men, no less). In addition to that, the threat is immediate and there's no time to squabble about who is sacrificing who. Nat takes the leap because she needs to: Because Thanos is already there.
We've already read descriptions of the alternate scene and it has even been leaked on social media soon after the premiere of Endgame. But why wasn't it chosen over what was in the final cut? Perhaps we'll never know but for now, I'm going to pretend this is how it all ended for Nat.
What did you think of Black Widow's alternate death scene in Avengers: Endgame? Sound off in the comments below.
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