Breaker is a cyberpunk thriller short film written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Phil McKie. Set in the near future of Tokyo, Breaker is about a young female mercenary hacker whose technologically-enhanced body is overrun by a sentient weapon. It's exciting to watch the female Breaker try to escape the hunters the A.I. is warning her about. As a cyberpunk enthusiast, I enjoyed the creative futuristic designs used in the film. From that weird masked woman with dreads to the hacker's beautiful hair, makeup, style, and technologically-enhanced eyes, this cyberpunk short packs a lot of things cyberpunk in its nearly 11-minute runtime.
This is definitely one of the best cyberpunk short films I've seen, and I hope a feature film based on Breaker will be developed in the near future. Plus, it makes me want to return to Japan even more. Tokyo is pretty much a cyberpunk city.
The film features contributions from many talented Japanese artists, and according to the director, it's also an exploration of many profound subcultures found within the city gathered through years of extensive research and integration. The short film also features cool music from producers SOPHIE, Forss, Phentix and more.
Related: 15 Cyberpunk Short Films That Will Rock Your World