WandaVision: Where Did Agatha Harkness Get Her Dark Powers?

We finally got to learn more about Agatha Harkness in WandaVision Episode 8. However, we're still left with several questions about Agnes' true identity. For instance, how did Agatha get her dark magic powers in the first place?

In the episode Previously On, a flashback scene revealed what happened to Agatha centuries ago. Interestingly, she belonged to a coven of witches who discovered she was using dark magic so they captured her and put her on trial. When it was decided that Agatha should be killed, she used her powers to drain the witches of their life essence.

The sequence revealed that the witches' power glows blue unlike Agatha's, which was a vibrant purple. This led to speculations that the source of Agatha's magic is someone who has already appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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In Doctor Strange, it was revealed that Dormammu's power is a vibrant purple, which could represent dark magic. Some believe that like Kaecilius, Agatha had made a pact with Dormammu a long time ago.

But is it possible that the source of Agatha's powers is even more ancient? It has already been pointed out that a book in Agatha's lair looks a lot like the Darkhold, which was written by the elder god Chthon. The book had already appeared in Agents of SHIELD and Runaways so it would be interesting if it is part of WandaVision.

For now, it is unclear how Agatha learned about dark magic. However, fans are hoping it would all be connected to the Sorceror Supreme considering that Wanda Maximoff is set to appear in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

The final episode of WandaVision will premiere on March 5.

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