WandaVision Fans Make Fun of Vision's [SPOILERS] in Behind-The-Scenes Documentary

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

We've long established how strong Marvel Studios' CGI game actually is and as the years go by, their visual effects only seem to get even better one project after the other. Of course, visuals are critical in the MCU considering they're pretty much translating an entire comic book on the big screen. Speaking of CGI, WandaVision has featured some of the most breathtaking effects we've seen in the franchise but the beauty about the show is, they also make use of practical effects.

Now, what if I tell you that Vision's physical appearance isn't exactly what it seems? The new MCU documentary Assembled: The Making of WandaVision has revealed an interesting detail about Paul Bettany's synthezoid look in the show, specifically his '50s and '60s getup. Apparently, Bettany is painted blue for the specific period episodes since that color translates better in monochrome which was the way the first two episodes were colored.

We wouldn't even know it was a thing if not for the documentary and as soon as fans found out the "truth" about Vision, they quickly stormed Twitter to poke fun at the synthezoid they now refer to as "Blue Vision". Some are even genuinely scared of his behind-the-scenes look. Check out the wacky reactions here:

Seeing the documentary made me appreciate all the effort and hard work that went into creating Marvel Studios' first-ever series. WandaVision's cast and crew really went all out in order to make the show as grand as possible and quite frankly, I genuinely believe that they delivered. And while I'm 100% positive that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will be all sorts of epic, Vision and Scarlet Witch's series just hits different and it already holds a special place in my heart.

Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of WandaVision is now streaming on Disney+.Also Read:Elizabeth Olsen Reveals What Made Her Reconsider Wearing Classic Scarlet Witch Costume