Vision Star Paul Bettany Thought He Was Going To Be Fired From The MCU

Vision might be set to return in Marvel's WandaVision Disney+ series, but Paul Bettany didn't really expect to make a comeback in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, not after the Mind Stone was pulled out of his character's head in Avengers: Infinity War.

Speaking with MTV News during Disney's D23 Expo last weekend, Bettany was asked about his return to the MCU after his character's death. Surprisingly, the actor revealed that he thought he was actually going to be fired from the MCU right before Marvel pitched WandaVision.

"Ah, well, through the genius of Marvel and Kevin Feige, there's an answer to that but it's not one that I can give you," Bettany answered when asked how exactly Vision would return in the upcoming online series.

"But it's one that you will learn when you watch our show!"

There's been a lot of excitement building up over WandaVision. Not only has the series been described as one of Marvel's oddest venture's but it's also been described as a departure from the studio's usual comic book movie format.

Speculation has it that WandaVision is going to be Marvel's first sitcom – something that would fit the show's 1950's setting. Of course, knowing Marvel, this sitcom would probably be set in the backdrop of the Mind Stone and its power to alter reality as well as the inherent powers of Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). Fans are expecting a series that plays to the tune of something like the House of M, a comic book series where Wanda alters reality after losing her children.

WandaVision is set for release on Disney+ sometime in 2021.

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