The era of New York Marvel TV Netflix series ended today after the streaming giant announced that it had decided to ax the two remaining shows, The Punisher, and Jessica Jones. While fans had already been expecting Netflix to cancel both series after it had decided to put shows like Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist on the chopping board last year, some held on to the hope that The Punisher would be given a third batch of episodes form the company. Now, as the reality of the cancellation starts to sink in, Daredevil's Kingpin actor Vincent D'Onofrio decides to honor all the Marvel TV shows that once existed on Netflix.
Taking to Twitter, D'Onofrio posted a tweet remember all of Marvel TV's offerings on Netflix, praising the shows' cast and crew as well as Marvel TV President Jeff Loeb.
"A big reason why those Marvel TV shows were so awesome and we were is because a guy named Jeph Loeb who runs the TV branch of Marvel," D'Onofrio wrote in his tweet. "Jeph and Marvel were responsible for putting together amazing showrunners and with Laray Mayfield a casting genius finding the talent it was indeed great."
All of Marvel TV's Netflix shows were certainly well-loved by fans. Unfortunately, as popular as they were, Marvel TV has made it clear that the cancellations weren't made because the series were underperforming. In a recent interview, Loeb made it clear that the decision behind the cancellation was entirely Netflix's and that the company had nothing to do with it.
Hopefully, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist manage to find a home at some other streaming company like Disney+ or Hulu.
The Punisher season 2 is available for streaming on Netflix.
Read: Marvel TV Head Writes A Letter To Fans After Netflix Cancels Its Entire Remaining Roster