Upcoming Loki Series Turns Thor's Villainous Brother into a...Hero?!

Loki's popularity might have risen after Marvel Studios released The Avengers but he has always been fairly popular with fans of the comics, especially with those who read Thor on a regular basis. He has died and risen again numerous times, so it wasn't too surprising when Marvel announced a new Loki comic book series spinning off from War of the Realms.

What might be surprising is that Thor's brother is coming back and will try to be a hero.

That might sound like a well-worn trope, but things are never what they seem to be when the God of Mischief is involved. Still, during an interview with Newsarama, series writer Daniel Kibblesmith revealed some intriguing plans for Thor's brother and his supposed heroic attitude. He'll even be going to Tony Stark for "advice," which is something most of us didn't expect.

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Credit: Marvel Comics
"So, everyone knows Loki loves a good resurrection. The difference this time is that he made a genuine sacrifice -- no plan, no scheme, no exit strategy -- and as a result, he was reborn in this tremendously mythological way, baptized in blood and bursting forth, reborn as a full-fledged hero. So actually having a clean slate is very unfamiliar territory for him, and he's not sure how to do everything that's expected of him."

Loki #1 will be coming out on July 17. Can Thor's little brother really put his evil ways behind him? No, but it will be interesting to see where they go with this.

Read:Marvel Star Tom Hiddleston Says Loki Series Is A New Departure For The Character