Ninja shook the streaming world when it was announced that he would be leaving Twitch for Microsoft's Mixer service. Known for his Fortnite videos, Ninja has taken his high-profile and popular fanbase from Twitch and brought it to Mixer, adding in a ton of fresh eyes to the new streaming site. Ninja's profile remains on Twitch for now but any access to his videos leads to a Super Mario Bros. reference on the top of his channel.
Simply stating "but our Ninja is in another castle," this was definitely a unique reference for the people in Twitch to make. Fans that miss the gamer can always rewatch some of his streams, which tend to amass more than a thousand or a million views. Why they decided to reference Mario of all things is a bit odd but then again, everyone knows Mario so most people would get upset.
Rather than link to one of the many videos that Ninja has done in the past, Twitch will end up recommending other users for other viewers to try out. Most of them tend to play Fortnite so if you're not a fan of the game, Ninja (and all the other gamers suggested by Switch) might not be for you.
What are your thoughts on Ninja leaving Twitch for Mixer? Did the platform get what it deserved? Will you be going to Mixer? Let us know in the comments below.
Via Kotaku
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