What Does the Orange Mean in True Detective and Who Threw it Back?

true detective orange
Credit: Parliament of Owls | Passenger | Anonymous Content | Neon Black | Peligrosa | HBO Entertainment

true detective orange
Credit: Parliament of Owls | Passenger | Anonymous Content | Neon Black | Peligrosa | HBO Entertainment

True Detective: Night Country never ceases to leave viewers with even more questions as Season 4 progresses. This time, what does the Orange mean in True Detective? And who threw it back to Navarro?

What the Orange Means in True Detective S4 Explained

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Credit: Parliament of Owls | Passenger | Anonymous Content | Neon Black | Peligrosa | HBO Entertainment

Many fans are caught up to speed on the latest True Detective Season 4 episode, but still, the question remains: what does the Orange mean in this scene?

One of the cliffhanging moments occurs when Evangeline Navarro (played by Kali Reis) encounters an Orange rolling towards her.

Considering that the crime series usually leaves fans questioning the meaning behind the scenes and supernatural elements are involved, the fruit being thrown right back to the detective is crucial to the story.

In The Godfather's terms, Orange (both the color and fruit) isn't always a sign of violence, but it is considered a bad omen.

As most fans have mentioned, Oranges usually mean death or something unfortunate is about to happen to the character involved in the scene. In this case, this is talking about "Angie" Navarro's fate.

Although it could also be paying a nod to the classic E.T. movie where E.T. threw the baseball back to Elliott, the True Detective series has a much more eerie message to deliver to Navarro.

Don't forget, this is the same episode where Anders Lund points at Navarro to say, "Your mother says hello. She's waiting for you" before he experiences a seizure, leading to his death.

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Who Threw the Orange Back to Trooper Navarro?

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Credit: Parliament of Owls | Passenger | Anonymous Content | Neon Black | Peligrosa | HBO Entertainment

One of the biggest questions this episode was, who threw the Orange in the dark and what does that mean?

Sure, the appearance of the citrus fruit out of nowhere was horrifying and the supernatural creatures involved in their investigation weren't enough.

Then the show had someone (or something) throwing the Orange fruit back to you from the dark.

Well, for one thing, throwing the fruit in the middle of nowhere shouldn't have elicited a response from the darkness.

While it remains to be seen who exactly threw the Orange back to Navarro, it's clear to fans that her future isn't going to be pretty.

We'll have to see how this escalates once more episodes air on HBO Max. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

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