So you want to beat Tron? You have come to the right place! Tron has and continues to be a top tier deck in Modern. While its popularity has ebbed, you can still expect to face off vs this competitive deck in tournament play.In no particular order, here are my top 25 sideboard cards to beat Tron in Modern:
Stony Silence
Pros: This is absolutely an amazing card vs Tron. This shuts down all their artifacts; including, Chromatic Sphere, Chromatic Star, Expedition Map, and Oblivion Stone. Also, this can’t be blown up by Oblivion Stone.
Cons: Tron can still assemble lands thanks to Sylvan Scrying and Ancient Stirring. They can also destroy Stony Silence with SB enchantment removal.
Aven Mindcensor
Pros: Stops Expedition Map searches and combos well with Ghost Quarter.
Cons: Opponent can still use Ancient Stirrings and natural draws to assemble lands.
Leonin Arbiter
Pros: Severely slows down Expedition Map and Sylvan Scrying.
Cons: Dies to removal easily.
Suppression field
Pros: Slows down various Tron cards like Expedition Map, Planeswalkers, and Oblivion Stone.
Cons: Can be destroyed by enchantment removal.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Pros: Significantly slows down Tron deck. Prevents a turn 3 Karn.
Cons: Easily killed. Additional copies in hand are dead cards. Once Tron assembled, effectiveness is diminished.
Spreading Seas
Pros: Cantrips and puts a Tron land out of commission before Tron has a chance to be assembled.
Cons: Can be destroyed by enchantment removal and Oblivion Stone.
Ceremonious Rejection
Pros: For one blue mana you get to counter Karn, Ugin, Eldrazi threats, and even early engine building cards like Expedition Map.
Cons: Only a 1 for 1. Tron has ways to dig for more threats and this card doesn’t address the mana engine.
Telemin Performance/Bribery
Pros: Often gives you a Wurmcoil Engine for 5 mana. Reduces threat density of opponents deck.
Cons: Five Mana is a big investment. Especially when Tron can play Ugin and Karn by turn four.
Vendilion Clique
Pros: This is no silver bullet, but you should leave it maindeck, or side it in if you have it. Flash it in on their turn 3 draw step to either prevent engine building cards from being cast or to remove their threats.
Cons: Opponent may have redundant cards in hand.
Pros: Smallpox is great because it hits a turn earlier than other land destruction spells and hit engine building cards or threats in their hand.
Cons: Hurts you as well.
Death Cloud
Pros: This is Smallpox's big brother. Death Cloud can destroy multiple lands and creatures to buy you a lot of time.
Cons: Has a high mana investment. You will need lower CMC disruption so that you survive long enough to cast this.
Rain of Tears
Pros: Rain of Tears is a solid way to destroy a Tron land.
Cons: On the draw, this won't be able to stop a turn 3 Karn.
Thoughtseize/Inquisition of Kozilek
Pros: Efficient use of mana to remove engine building or threats from your opponent's hand.
Cons: Useless late game.
Memoricide/Cranial Extraction/Slaughter Games/Sadistic Sacrament
Pros: Removes the few threats that are in Tron decks.
Cons: On turn 4, these spells don't do anything to disrupt a turn 3 Karn or Wurmcoil Engine.
Blood Moon
Pros: Blood Moon turns all their non-basic lands into mountains. This means no more quick ramp.
Cons: Tron can still pop an Oblivion Stone to destroy Blood Moon. They can also SB in enchantment removal, which they can cast thanks to cards like Chromatic Sphere to add green to their mana pool.
Crumble to Dust/Sowing Salt
Pros: Permanently shuts down the Tron engine if you exile one of the Tron lands. Unlike Blood Moon, once this spell resolves, its effects are permanent.
Cons: Four mana is a big investment. Your opponent can assemble Tron and cast a Karn by Turn 3. By then, a Crumble to Dust could potentially be too late. Crumble to Dust needs supplementary control cards to keep Tron at bay until you can cast it (or hope your opponent fails to find a threat or assemble Tron by Turn 4). Can also be countered by Warping Wail.
Molten Rain
Pros: Assuming you are on the play, Molten Rain lets you disrupt Tron before they have the ability to assemble it. This buys you at least another turn (or more) and gives you a free shock.
Cons: Only a 1 for 1. Tron can easily recover.
Fulminator Mage
Pros: See Molten Rain. Instead of direct damage, you get a beat stick, but chances are you would rather nuke their land than dish out two a turn.
Cons: See Molten Rain.
Krosan Grip
Pros: Destroys mana trinkets, Oblivion Stone, and Expedition Map without giving your opponent a chance to respond. Potentially time walks them if they leave mana open with the intent to pop an Expedition Map.
Cons: Minimal impact. Stopping Oblivion Stone may be the best use, as your opponent can pop Expedition Map before you even have 3 mana.
Gaddock Teeg
Pros: Locks out your opponent from playing game winning Planeswalkers and All is Dust removal.
Cons: Dies easily to low CMC removal and Oblivion Stone.
Oblivion Stone
Pros: Kills everything Tron has in play.
Cons: Doesn’t address the Tron mana engine. Opponent can dig for additional win cons.
Pithing Needle
Pros: Can shut down big threats late game. Can also shut down early game engine building such as Expedition Map. Very mana efficient.
Cons: Can get destroyed with Oblivion Stone and artifact removal. Doesn’t remove threats from play.
Chalice of the Void
Pros: Counters a significant portion of Tron's early game and late game dig. Chalice with 1 counter stops Expedition Map, mana trinkets, and Ancient Stirrings.
Cons: Can be destroyed by artifact removal and Oblivion Stone. Stops you from casting your own 1 CMC spells.
Ghost Quarter
Pros: Removes Tron pieces from play. Ghost Quarter can be combined with Leonin Arbiter for added effectiveness.
Cons: Dilutes your mana base. Set's you back a mana while letting Tron get a basic land.
Tectonic Edge
Pros: Removes a Tron land from play. Doesn't net your opponent an additional land like Ghost Quarter.Cons: Tron may be assembled already by the time you can use this.
Top 5 Picks
So what are the best of the best sideboard options? Here are my top 5 choices to board against Tron:
1. Stony Silence 2. Chalice of the Void 3. Blood Moon 4. Pithing Needle 5. Crumble to Dust/Sowing Salt