Tom Holland’s Uncharted Movie Nabs A Release Date

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It looks like the Uncharted movie featuring Tom Holland as a young Nathan Drake finally has a release date.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Uncharted movie is set for release in December 18 next year. It seems like a pretty quick release date, but Sony has long since announced that the project was in "advanced development." This is pretty exciting news for fans. Gamers have long since been looking forward to an Uncharted film project.

Right now we don't know much about the project, just that the film takes place before the events of any of the Uncharted videogames. Holland himself pitched the movie to Sony, and the studio seemed to like the idea of having a young Nathan Drake instead of the adult-aged version of the character.

We don't know any of the movie's other castings beyond Holland, though there were reports that Chris Pratt, Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, and Chris Pine were all in the running to play Sully. For those who aren't familiar with the character, Sully is Drake's mentor and partner in crime in the Uncharted videogame series.

The title is actually an action adventure third-person shooter platform videogame developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive. The main games in Uncharted follows the adventures of Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter who travels around the world searching for historical mysteries.

We're not quite sure when the Uncharted film adaptation will begin production, however, we're expecting the project to start soon, especially with a 2020 release date.

Uncharted is set to premiere on December 18 next year.

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