One Piece studio Toei Animation is one of Japan’s biggest anime studios. And now, it is setting its eyes on European expansion as Toei Animation announced a partnership with French studio La Cachette and animation platform ADN (Animation Digital Network) for a new anime.
These three companies have teamed up for the upcoming project titled Le College Noir, an upcoming animation work that’s based on a comic of the same name.
This is part of Toei’s plans to expand into the European market. And while there are lots of countries in Europe to expand into, it makes sense to partner with a French studio given the country’s rich animation heritage.
France: One of the World’s Animation Powerhouses
When it comes to animation, most people probably think of Japan and the US, as these two countries dominate the TV and film animation industries.
But France is not far behind them, as the country is also an animation powerhouse.
For example, one of the most praised animation works in recent times is Arcane, a series that’s based on League of Legends.
This show is made by the French studio Fortiche Production, and it has been praised all over the world for its excellent animation.
Aside from Arcane, France has also produced numerous renowned animation works.
In the field of TV animation, there are lots of popular series that are made in France, including iconic titles like Totally Spies, Martin Mystery, and Miraculous Ladybug.
In film meanwhile, France has also produced classic animation works such as Fantastic Planet, as well as modern arthouse movies like Ernest & Celestine and The Illusionist.
Even Japanese anime legend and MAPPA founder Masao Maruyama praised the French animation industry, stating that the country’s arthouse animation field produces better works than even Japan.
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Toei Animation Partners With ADN and La Cachette for Le College Noir
Now, the Japanese studio teamed up with a French studio along with a French production/streaming platform for Le College Noir.
This upcoming animation project follows five friends as they investigate the mystery of their missing friend in the mountains of central France.
The French studio behind this work, La Cachette, may not be as well-known as Toei Animation, but it has an impressive resume of projects.
For instance, La Cachette worked on projects including Netflix’s Love, Death, and Robots, as well as Disney’s Star Wars: Visions Volume 2.
Le College Noir will be released on ADN as part of the platform's new animation lineup that was highlighted at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival.
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Sources: Toei Animation Press Release, ADN Press Release