Titans, the first DC Universe show coming out along with the streaming service, has received plenty of mixed reactions thus far. Fans were criticizing the costumes of Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy but were hopeful since Robin, Hawk, and Dove looked great. That all changed when the first trailer came out, which continues getting mixed reactions today because "F&*k Batman."
One person who has shown considerable excitement for the series is Rob Liefeld. Mostly known for creating Deadpool, Cable, and X-Force, the comic book artist has also co-created the female version of Dove. It's easy to see why he was pleased with the trailer since she kicked a lot of butts and killed plenty of mooks with Hawk.
Speaking with ComicBook.com, Liefeld discussed his history with the Hawk and Dove comic. As one of the people who revived these characters in the 80's, he brought up how his version of Dove has essentially become the definitive version of the character, becoming more popular than the original version created by Steve Ditko.
"They represented war and peace, more or less. Born in the ‘60s, very political, war and peace. We were tasked with creating a new Dove, which is Dawn Granger who Minka Kelly is playing, because in Crisis on Infinite Earths, they had a wall fall on the male Dove, and he died. Hawk goes, ‘My brother is dead!' So the male Dove lasted 20 years, and I did the math: female Dove? Thirty years. She's been around ten years longer. I feel like she's the definitive Dove."
Liefeld's excitement is admirable and we can only hope that fans feel the same way when the show comes out this fall. Titans will be the first show of DC Universe and will be the standard many will use to compare the quality of the service's other shows.
Read:F-Bombs, Blood, and Horror Dominate DC Universe's First Titans Trailer