Last year, Disney and Pixar released the Toy Story spinoff film Lightyear. It was being sold as a Buzz Lightyear origin story that is a movie within the Toy Story universe and the character was voiced by Chris Evans instead of Tim Allen.
However, unlike all the Toy Story films, Lightyear became a box office bomb and it wasn't also universally loved. The recasting was also met with divisive reactions as a lot of people are disappointed that Allen did not reprise the role.
The original Buzz Lightyear voice actor has also publicly expressed his dismay over his recasting and the conception of the film in general.
Tim Allen is Still Confused About the Lightyear Recasting
Now that we're almost a year since Lightyear was released in theaters, Allen opened up again about the conception of the film in the latest interview with The Daily Mail where he expressed his confusion about its existence.
While he praised Evans' take on the role, he is still adamant that the creation of the film is "confusing" for the people involved in the main Toy Story films.
"They were two completely different movies. And Chris did a great job doing an ancillary part," he said.
"It was very confusing to all of us on the Toy Story movie side, which was real? I'm a script guy, so if Buzz is real, then Chris's version of it was, as an actor doing it, real confusing to me."
Given that the actor has criticized the film in the past, it is not surprising to hear that he is taking another jab and, with its disappointing box office results, he certainly has bigger leverage to do it.
We can also pretty much say that the audience wasn't enthusiastic about the film as well based on the numbers and it didn't hold up at the same level as most Pixar films despite the character recognition.
The Future of the Toy Story Franchise
It is obvious at this point that Lightyear won't be getting a sequel and it is also unlikely that Pixar will do spinoff films on other beloved Toy Story characters such as Woody, Jessie, Hamm, Slinky, Mr. Potato Head, Forky, and many more.
Earlier this year, Disney announced that a fifth Toy Story film is in the works and Allen is expected to reprise the voice role of Buzz Lightyear. So far, the details remain under wraps.
With Lightyear ending up becoming a failure, it looks like Pixar is simply going back now to the main Toy Story series. Despite the seeming closure that they already gave in the fourth film, it sounds like they apparently have more stories to tell in its universe.
We should be hearing more updates about the development of this project in the coming months.
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Lightyear is available to stream on Disney+. You can check more details about it here.