Thor: Ragnarok Easter Egg Reveals That The Revengers Almost Stopped Thanos Before Infinity War

We already know that one of the first Infinity Stones that Thanos procured was the Orb. Interestingly, the Revengers could have stopped the Mad Titan from completing his quest in Thor: Ragnarok.

It's an interesting Easter Egg that could have changed everything. In Ragnarok, Thor, Bruce Banner, and Valkyrie discuss the best way to get out of Sakaar. A Reddit post has pointed out that Valkyrie initially suggested going to Xandar to refuel before heading for Asgard. However, the Odinson dismissed the idea and announced that they would exit through the Devil's Anus.

Valkyrie wanted to go to Xander first, but Thor just had to go through the devils anus. Probably could’ve stopped Thanos’s attack, and then swung back around to Asgard with the Nova Corps. Buttttt nooooo...

The first scene in Avengers: Infinity War confirms that Thanos had already taken the Power Stone from Xandar. If the Revengers had decided to take Valkyrie's advice, they would have ended up on the planet just as the Mad Titan attacked. Although it's possible that they could have tried to stop Thanos and the Black Order, it's unclear if they would have been successful.

The possibility of stopping Thanos isn't the only thing that the Easter Egg would have suggested. It could also mean that the Mad Titan would have to face Hela in Asgard and we're not sure if we want these two to actually meet.

It is rather unfortunate that the Revengers didn't go to Xandar instead. However, it would also mean that the story would go differently and Thor may have never gone off to create Stormbreaker. Still, it's an interesting idea we can ponder about while waiting for Avengers 4.

The still-untitled Avengers 4 will premiere on May 3, 2019.

Related: Avengers: Infinity War Almost Changed Pivotal Thor Vs Thanos Scene