In just less than one month, the long-awaited MCU film Thor: Love and Thunder will arrive in theaters. Alongside the highly-anticipated return of two Thors, fans cant also wait to witness Christian Bale's debut in the MCU as the villainous Gorr The God Butcher. Bale's Gorr is set to be Thor's most challenging opponent and is more formidable against Cate Blanchett's Thor: Ragnarok villain, Hela, according to director Taika Waititi.
In a recent interview with Disney (via Direct), Chris Hemsworth, Taika Waititi, and Marvel Studios head of streaming, television, and animation Brad Winderbaum discussed Christian Bale's MCU outing as the villainous Gorr The God Butcher for Thor: Love and Thunder.
“We needed to step up from Hela and find a villain who was somehow even more formidable, and we found that in Gorr, who is played by the remarkable Christian Bale," Waititi said.
Winderbaum chimed in, "Gorr played by the rules, and so when he realizes he's been betrayed by the gods, he's overtaken by a rage that hits such a fever pitch that he gains an evil, ancient power and sets out to rid the universe of these gods, who don't take care of their humans."
Cate Blanchett's Hela set a gold standard for a Thor villain after Thor: Ragnarok, so the expectation behind the upcoming villain grew higher when Christian Bale was announced to play Gorr The God Butcher.
“There’s so much drama and insanity around Gorr, but Christian Bale managed to pull the focus right into each moment," Hemsworth added. "You can’t take your eyes off him. The character is fascinating, because like all good villains, Gorr has a point. He may not be going about it the right way, but there’s empathy in the script and Christian brought so many more layers and so much more depth to Gorr."
We've all been hearing about Bale's menacing villain for Thor: Love and Thunder for a while now and most of it just adds another layer of anticipation for Gorr The God Butcher. From what we've seen from the trailer, Gorr already looks horrifying even with just a glimpse. Even though Marvel Studios decided to alter Gorr's live-action look and moved away from the source material, it's good to know that they somehow kept the villain's origin story which makes him distinct and more threatening.
These comments definitely assure that Gorr would be one of the best villains fans would witness not just for a Thor film, but in the MCU. And if you think Hela was unforgettable, wait until you meet Christian Bale's Gorr.
Thor: Love and Thunder will hit the big screens on July 8.
Also read: Thor: Love and Thunder Stars Tease Gorr's Backstory & Horrifying Motivation