Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Haro Aso’s manga, Alice in Borderland, made a major change in the second season that helped the series successfully maintain its narrative. As the first season mostly focused on the deadly games, Alice in Borderland Season 2 centered on the characters and their backstories, adding more drama to the series.
The show managed to stay faithful to its source material, though the hint of Alice in Borderland Season 3’s coming will be out of the manga’s story. The show, too, had taken creative freedom, like when Mira (Riisa Naka) tried to manipulate Arisu (Kento Yamazaki) with words instead of drugging him, like in the manga.
Mira as Arisu’s Toughest Opponent
Mira is Arisu’s toughest opponent. In fact, she’s the final boss he has to face to end the series of deadly games in Borderland and help them return to reality.
Compared to other bosses, Mira doesn’t use strength. She also has no people around him, and they simply play the game of croquet.
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But it doesn’t mean Mira isn’t deadly. In fact, she’s deadlier than most due to her ability to manipulate minds, proving she’s the most powerful of them all.
Confident in her ability, Mira strongly believes Arisu will fall for her antics but not when Usagi (Tao Tsuchiya) is around.
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Sure, Arisu almost believes in every word Mira says in Alice in Bordeland Season 2 and even nearly takes the drug that will make him lose, but he proves he’s not an easy opponent.
The Fight Against Mira
In the manga, Mira uses a drug to mislead Arisu. But in the series’ Netflix adaptation, she’s more “potent and commanding.”
The show also proves Arisu and Usagi’s impressive analytical skills after refusing the tea a citizen offered.
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This major change shows the strong bond between the two lead characters. In fact, despite being weak after fighting and being stabbed by the King of Spades several times, she still manages to save Arisu from Mira’s mind games.
This helps Arisu succeed—in addition to following his heart instead of his mind—and return to the real world.
For more Alice in Borderland Season 2 news, stay tuned to EpicStream!