This Hilarious Avengers: Infinity War Meme Proves That Tobey Maguire is Behind The Snap

Marvel Studios

Avengers: Infinity War showed us the devastating power of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet when he wiped off half of the universe's existence including some popular superheroes like Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Doctor Strange but what if the star of Sam Raimi's 2002 Spider-Man film is behind it?

Redditor GyRAFFE1 has shared a hilarious new meme that combined footage from the tragic moments from Avengers: Infinity War with the most ridiculous footage from Spider-Man 3, and the result shows a dark Tobey Maguire casually snapping away the existence of our favorite superheroes.

Check out the meme here:

"Now Dig On This."

Many fans despised this Spider-Man 3 scene but the footage works well as a meme. Re-watching this 2004 scene will either make you miss Tobey's role as Peter Parker or cringe at his cheesy portrayal of Marvel's iconic character.

The Earth's Mightiest Heroes will be able to avenge the fallen in the sequel next year.

Avengers 4 is set to release in theaters on May 3, 2019.

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