Yesterday, a set video was going around of Margot Robbie in costume for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad. While the video didn't really give us a clear look at Harley, we now have some set photos that give us a way better look at the costume.
You can check them out here.
We don't really know the context of the costume yet, but the video has Harley hailing a cab and carrying around a javelin. If you ask me, it kind of looks like a mourner's get-up, but knowing how wacky Harley can be, it's probably for something else.
With The Suicide Squad deep into production, we still have no idea how big a role Harley has to play in this film. With all the work that Robbie put in on Birds of Prey, you'd think that she's ready to take a break from these comic book films. But then again, she has been working hard recently, and I don't expect any less from her when it comes to The Suicide Squad.
For now, you can check out Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey. While the press is making it out to be a flop, the reviews have actually been pretty great, and I think Robbie and the rest of the cast are fantastic. I have to say that Ewan McGregor definitely stole every scene that he was in.
Catch The Suicide Squad when it hits theaters Aug. 6, 2021.
Read Also: James Gunn's The Suicide Squad Set Video Reveals Harley Quinn's New Look