Following the series’ announcement back in May 2022, The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse anime finally has its first teaser trailer that also revealed its 2023 premiere.
This upcoming anime serves as the continuation of Nakaba Suzuki’s popular Seven Deadly Sins series. Its events are also set after the Grudge of Edinburgh two-part anime film.
Four Knights of the Apocalypse Anime
The Seven Deadly Sins manga ended in early 2020 while the anime adaptation by Studio Deen ended in June 2021.
While the first series may have concluded, the story is not yet over as author Nakaba Suzuki began Four Knights of the Apocalypse, a manga that serves as The Seven Deadly Sins’ sequel.
Thanks to the series’ popularity, the manga was confirmed to get a TV anime adaptation.
It may have taken a while, but we finally have our first look, which you can watch here:
It’s not the meatiest trailer though. At just over 30 seconds long, it only features a couple of short animated scenes that mostly feature the main character, Percival.
Instead of serving as a direct sequel to the first series, Four Knights of the Apocalypse is set 16 years after the first series’ finale.
It also features a brand-new protagonist, though some of its other major characters are directly connected to The Seven Deadly Sins’ main cast.
RELATED: The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh Part 1 Unveils New Poster For Netflix Release
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse Anime Cast, Release
The anime has yet to reveal the main cast list, though the trailer finally announced Percival’s voice actor.
Voicing the show’s protagonist is Sho Komura, a rookie voice actor. This was an unexpected choice given that this is Komura’s first voice-acting role.
Typically, rookie VAs get cast in small parts before getting main roles such as these.
Regarding this announcement, Komura shared a message about his role. There, he mentioned how he is honored to be involved in The Seven Deadly Sins franchise.
He also said that he loves Percival’s kind-hearted nature and thirst for adventure.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse will premiere sometime in 2023, though there’s no release date window for the show yet.
While there’s not a lot of info about the series’ release, what we do know is that the anime is being made by Telecom Animation Film, the studio behind Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro Season 1.
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