The Russo Brothers Tease Avengers 4 Title Only To Delete Post

There's been a whole lot of anticipation building up over Avengers 4 after Marvel fans have seen the destruction and chaos brought on by the Mad Titan Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. The film left so many questions: Will Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans) and the rest of the remaining Avengers be able to turn back Thanos' finger-snap? When in the world will we be able to get Avengers 4's title?

Though there have been a few guesses like Avengers: End Game, Marvel has yet to officially confirm the title that would give fans an idea of what to expect from the sequel to Infinity War. However, it seems like the Infinity War directors Joe and Anthony Russo have just recently teased Avengers 4's title "reveal" on Instagram – only to delete it soon afterward.

According to Cosmic Book News, the Russo Brothers just recently put up a post an "A4 title reveal" on Instagram showcasing an image with the text "Infinity Mirrored Room: Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity."

While those familiar with the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusuma might know that the "Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity" is actually the name of one of her Infinity Rooms, the title does fit somewhat well in Marvel's two-part Avengers movie. Sure, it might not be the official title to Avengers 4, but it does also serve as a reference to Thanos' finger-snapping massacre in the film.

Of course, knowing that Marvel fans might read into the post too much, the Russo brothers decided to delete the post instead – a pretty good move knowing all of the wild theories that might come out of it.

Avengers 4 is set for release on May 3, 2019.

Read: Avengers 4: Karen Gillan Teases a 'New BFF' for Nebula