The Orville, a sci-fi series from Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, has officially been renewed for a third season. This makes a lot of people happy since this series does a lot of great sci-fi, making fans compare it to classic Star Trek, which is huge praise. Sure, the series does sometimes devolve into a couple of cheap jokes but for the most part, fans have fully embraced this alternative to the adventures of Captain Kirk or Picard.
But, Seth MacFarlane is a comedian and he can't help himself when it comes to parodying a celebrity.
Fans remember how Constance Wu released a lengthy rant about Fresh off the Boat getting a season renewal. Wu said that she wasn't mad about the show getting renewed but that a project she was working on would have to be put on hold because of it. Fans and critics alike didn't know how to feel but MacFarlane went on a similar tirade, which is clearly a parody of Wu's actions.
Considering how MacFarlane still does work for Family Guy and American Dad, seeing his comedic side like this was only natural. It will be interesting to see how Wu responds to this, assuming she does just that. There's always a chance that she will ignore this after all.
The Orville season 3 will debut on Fox soon.
Read:Seth McFarlane's 'The Orville' is Getting a Comic Book Series