An unexpected production mishap occurred during The Mandalorian's Chapter 12. It continues to make a buzz among the fans of the Star Wars franchise for a couple of days now. If you failed to catch the fun episode title "The Siege", the said blunder features a brief shot of a man in civilian clothes while Mando, Greef Karga, Cara Dune, and Mythrol were in the middle of a tension-filled battle with Stormtroopers.
Eagle-eyed fans quickly noticed the guy's appearance in the frame and the unidentified fellow (who's presumably a member of the show's production crew) has become an overnight sensation, so much so that fans now refer to him as "Jeans Guy". The incident spawned a number of hilarious posts and memes from fans all in the spirit of good fun. Check out some of them here:
Whether Jeans Guy's appearance was unintentional or not, we'll never truly know but surprisingly enough, the error didn't cause a tremendous amount of backlash considering The Mandalorian is supposed to be a show of high caliber. I guess it only goes to show that fans like to have a little fun every now and then. Let's be real here, not even a production mishap like that would take away the fact that the show consistently delivers. So, Jeans Guy, whoever you are, you're cool.
The Mandalorian Season 2 is now streaming on Disney+.
Also Read: The Mandalorian's Chapter 13 Could Lead to Luke Skywalker's Return