The Mandalorian Returns to Iconic Star Wars Planet

We already know that The Mandalorian is really good at bringing in awesome Star Wars Easter eggs in every episode. However, Chapter Five: The Gunslinger raised the bar by featuring a huge one. A really huge one that's the size of a planet because, well, it is a planet you already know about.


Fans were treated to an epic opening sequence in the fifth episode as Mando faced off against another bounty hunter in a dogfight. It's an amazing fight that Mando eventually wins but not before his opponent causes some major damages on the Razor Crest. Unfortunately, he needs to land the ship and he finds the best place for that. So he brings the ship close to the Mos Eisley spaceport on the planet of Tatooine.

It's an awesome treat for Star Wars fans, especially since Mando ends up in the iconic cantina where Han Solo shot Greedo and Obi-Wan Kenobi chopped off an arm with his lightsaber. For now, it's also the place when Mando meets a wannabe bounty hunter Toro Calican who wants to join the guild. Toro plans to bring in the mercenary Fennec Shand so he would be accepted by the guild but things don't work out too well for him.

The return to Tatooine shouldn't be much of a surprise considering that Chapter Five was written and directed by Dave Filoni. However, it does lead to speculations that The Mandalorian might be somehow connected to the upcoming Obi-Wan series.

The fifth episode of The Mandalorian is currently streaming on Disney+.

Related: Star Wars: The Mandalorian Chapter 5 Raises the Stakes with Fennec Shand