Here's Why The New Mandalorian Episode Will Arrive Earlier This Week

The Mandalorian has been one of the biggest Star Wars-related successes of recent memory, due to the mixed reaction of The Last Jedi and Solo not doing too well in the box office. It's very clear that Disney and LucasFilm know that this series is very important and don't want it to be overshadowed by anything, including one of their own movies.

Due to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker coming out this Friday, Disney+ has announced that The Mandalorian Episode 7 will arrive earlier than expected, premiering this Wednesday on December 18. It seems like Disney wants to make sure The Mandalorian's next episode will still be a success in the views since The Rise of Skywalker will clearly nab some of those viewers for its box office.

It's also worth noting that The Witcher debuts on Netflix on December 20 as well so maybe they didn't want a drastic decrease in viewership numbers, with two gigantic releases coming that day, one of which doesn't belong to Disney. Obviously, this is more of a guess than anything else but Disney+ probably made the right call not having to compete with a big Netflix debut, along with one of their big movie releases.

Of course, the beauty of streaming is that you can catch these episodes whenever you want. That being said, viewership is still a huge part of making income when it comes to streaming services and they really don't want an article talking about the low viewership of something Star Wars related.

The Mandalorian Episode 7 debuts this Wednesday, on December 18. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker comes out this Friday, on December 20.


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