Three seasons of The Mandalorian may equal three years of the show’s air time, minus the production time and hiatus gaps. Despite the show being only recently produced, the series creators, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni have been working for Star Wars for 15 years now, so there is so much history to be told about their experience with the franchise and the other creators they work with. In a recent interview with, the co-creators looked back on their experience at Lucasfilm.
“You know, George [Lucas] taught me, you’re telling the story you’re telling… And I think we’re incredibly lucky that people have responded the way they do. I learned a long time ago, people just don’t like this because you stick the name Star Wars on it. That’s not good enough. You have to care. You have to put a lot of work into it.” said Filoni.
The Mandalorian as part of the Star Wars universe mirrors the timeless impact of the million-dollar franchise. Filoni remarked that the show’s success has something to do with its fantastic crew, who spent long hours researching and finding suitable materials for the props and costumes. “You know, Kathy Kennedy, she was adamant about the level of visual effects that this thing needed to have there. It has to be equal to a movie. Everybody invests in this.” he said.
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Filoni continued, “And so, you know, we are delivering something that we can be proud of and that we like as fans. At the end of the day, you can only make something that you really enjoy and hope that other people like it. But the response to Grogu, when people saw him and that was on a level that even though I’d been with Star Wars a while, I had never experienced anything like it. I think that’s a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You’re lucky if you’re ever a part of something like that. If anything, it puts more pressure on you because you know how many eyes are watching this. The expectation has grown. But it’s a privilege to have that.”
Meanwhile, Favreau also discussed how everyone does their best to bring new and exciting things to the franchise in any way that they can. “We like to have surprises… We like to have something revealed in each episode. I like when everybody tries to see it at the same time and then talks about it and reacts to it, discussing it. Try to guess what’s happening next. That’s part of the fun of serialized storytelling. We want to make sure that each week a new piece of information comes out and that maybe things resolve in an unexpected way, but ways that feel justified and emotionally resonant, and character-based. Look, we just hope that people enjoy this new set of stories. I certainly am enjoying doing what I’m doing here. Hopefully, we can do it for a long time.” he explained.
Season 3 of The Mandalorian is currently streaming on Disney Plus, with new episodes dropping every Wednesday.