The Life of Captain Marvel has been retelling the character's origin in a streamlined way to get fans hyped up for the upcoming movie. It's not just a simple retelling either since we also see her recover from a battle that happens in the first issue. Fans were expecting to see something big in this series and the third issue does just that by dropping a major bombshell.
Fans of Carol know that she got her superpowers from Mar-Vell, who was protecting her from the Psyche Magnetron. The radiation from this incident altered her DNA with Mar-Vell's and gave her powers. This will be changed in the movie where she seems to be half-Kree, hence her enhanced abilities and energy blasts.
It seems like Marvel not only liked that idea but decided to incorporate it into her comic book backstory. The Life of Captain Marvel #3 has revealed that Carol Danvers' mother is a Kree soldier. Call it clever or a corporate move but we do still have two issues left before the series ends, so there might be more twists in the way.
(Marvel Comics/Carlos Pacheco)
Obviously, this reveal is going to raise a lot of questions from fans. If Carol had been half-Kree this whole time, does that mean she always had powers? Did the Mar-Vell incident actually do anything to Carol's physiology? Fans have two more issues to look forward to, which will hopefully answer these questions in full.
This isn't the first time Marvel altered the comics to make them feel more like the movies. They introduced a black Nick Fury and explained that he was the son of the original. Phil Coulson was integrated into Marvel continuity around this time as well. Hawkeye, Captain America, Winter Soldier, and a number of other characters also received updated costumes to look more like their cinematic counterparts.
The Life of Captain Marvel #3 is now available in comic book stores. What do you think of these changes?