The Last of Us Joel Voice Actor Recalls First Day on Live-Action Set With Pedro Pascual

The most anticipated The Last of Us series is soon coming as a direct adaptation of the long-beloved video game by developer Naughty Dog, starring The Mandalorian star Pedro Pascual as Joel Miller who was tasked to take Ellie (to be played by Game of Thrones star Bella Ramsey) to the Fireflies, an organization determined to find the cure that could possibly be extracted from Ellie’s immunity to the infected’s bite. Recently, Joel Miller’s game voice actor Troy Baker recalled his first day on the live-action set with Pedro Pascual.

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In an interview with, Baker talked about his plans on playing the Dark Knight in Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons as well as having had the chance to speak with Pedro Pascual who is set to play the live-action version of the Last of Us game character Baker voiced, Joel Miller. Read his story below:

“I had a wonderful conversation with Pedro that I will save until after the series airs so there are no spoilers about it, but I can definitely say that my first day on set, I was able to look around this beautiful location…and I had to pinch myself, I couldn’t believe we were there. If you’d gone back ten years ago and said, ‘This audition you’re walking into for this game…you have no idea how successful and embraced it will be by people. Oh, and you’re going to be in Canada shooting one of the most expensive HBO series that’s ever been done before!’ I’d never have believed you.”

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The HBO series has been keeping things plot-related under wraps, with Bella Ramsey not being able to play the game before filming and revealing a few bits and pieces of faithful game adaptation to series in their recent teaser of upcoming HBO shows. However, Baker teased the audiences there is more to it than the eye can see for now:

“The story we’re telling there, just like the one we’re telling with Super Sons, is something fans and people who have never had an entry point into these characters before are going to appreciate. I’m honored to be a part of it.”

The Last of Us is set to premiere on HBO sometime in 2023.

Also Read: HBO’s Last of Us Teases With New Footage of Game-Accurate Scenes