The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Finale is out in a few hours and in a recent TV spot, a sneak peek to Sam's very own winged Captain America costume was inserted just before the video ends hyping up the fans and viewers of what is in store for the last episode of the canon series.
The TV spot was filmed by AmazingAwesome NWA on TV where it could be seen that Sam finally opens the box that Bucky gave him in Episode 5 of the series and it seems that our very new Captain America, Sam Wilson, will be a combination of his old persona, The Falcon, and his new identity of being the successor of Steve Rogers' Captain America.
It could be remembered that in Episode 5's early moments, John Walker destroyed the wings Sam and when he talked to Joaquin Torres, Sam said Torres could keep the wings, seemingly passing the baton of being the new Falcon.
As seen in the same clip, the finale would be focusing on the attack of the Flag Smashers on the GRC, and Sam and Bucky seem to be on their way to save the day once more, proving the great legacy the shield has: do what is right and just.
Throughout the series, we see Sam let go of the shield only to be taken aback and realize that he has to embrace the future that he was, as the legacy hero of Captain America. Given that the suit is from Wakanda, expect something more from the suit like additional features, maybe even something like an energy absorption similar to the Black Panther suit or his wings being made of vibranium.
Let's see the debut of Sam's brand new Captain America suit on The Falcon and The Winter Soldier season finale arriving on Friday, at 3 AM, only on Disney+.
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