Anthony Mackie is set to return in the Disney+ show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier alongside Sebastian Stan. The actor says he has been getting some shield training for the series and it seems like the prop might be a common weapon in the upcoming shows.
"The funny thing about the shield training is, I feel like everyone has had shield training," Mackie told The Daily Beast. "I went by WandaVision, and there was a random shield. I was like, ‘everyone's getting shield training now!'"
While the weapon could have just been coincidentally placed there, it's certainly intriguing to see another shield within a different show given that WandaVision's storyline doesn't seem to have a direct connection with Captain America. But then again, full details about the show are yet to be revealed and it looks like there'll be tons of surprises in store for the fans.
Mackie doesn't seem to be too nervous in playing such a big part, and admits that he doesn't feel any pressure. "I feel like, if we're going to fail, we should fail 100 percent. Don't fail halfway," he said. "But it's been fun, man." Mackie then went on to say that there's a lot of exciting stuff going in in the Marvel Universe and that they re "running full steam ahead to get these shows done."
What do you think the shield will be used for in WandaVision? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is set for release in August on Disney+.
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