Unlike other Marvel series and projects, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier doesn't simply focus on the highly-powered beings that threaten the world. Rather, the Disney+ series is centering its focus on the reality within the world when Thanos' Blip happened. Half of the world's population returned after a five-year absence.
Where Thanos Was Right
In those five years, the borders between countries were not too strict with millions of empty homes. This led to more resources available to the remaining population, improving the quality of life. This is where Sam and Bucky fighting against people who are trying to preserve the current state of things.
The philosophy of Thanos' desire to snap half of the population's existence started with his own home planet, Titan. The planet collapsed due to overpopulation. Thanos embarked on a mission to stop other worlds from suffering the same fate. He set out on a decades-long mission of trying to eradicate half of every population he could find.
Thanos believed that those left behind will prosper, with the abundance of resources left by those eradicated by his Blip. If the heroes weren't able to go back in time and stop him, whatever he has done would have been final. Earth's fate in the five years that followed after the Blip as shown in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier seemingly prove this to be true.
Those who don't have food or shelter found an abundance of food and even moved the world to a more unified organization. Thanos' hypothesis about the problem was right. However, even though Thanos was right about the problem, his way of getting to the answer was the murder of many innocent people. He placed the lives of those people in his own hands.
Where Thanos Was Wrong
Some people may see Thanos as right as they see the benefits of what he has done. However, in a few more decades, when the population starts rising again, would the massacre of millions eventually be the answer again? Would a worldwide ban on giving birth or child policy be in place to control the growing population? Would it require a governing organization to impose strict measures to control people and punish them if they do not follow the policy?
Thanos is right about the problem but his solution of murdering billions of innocent people does not guarantee anything. In fact, it doesn't solve anything. It may only provide some years of abundance and prosperity but scarcity will always be present. If murdering half the population is the answer, then why did the civilizations during the ancient times when humans are few still experienced hunger, poverty, and scarcity?
The population of humans in ancient times is less than the population that was left after the Blip. Yet, even during those times, the resources were scarce. There was famine, poverty, and hunger. Some people may argue that that was the ancient time and the world that Thanos left is more advanced compared to the ancient times.
The unforeseen changes in nature, the crops getting affected by locusts, and many uncontrollable world happenings will continue to persist. Even with all the advancements, humans still rely on nature for the most basic necessities. There will be fewer people to work in certain industries.
They have to maintain the industries and advancements made with fewer people to aid them. If we look at the world today, even with all the advancements, when an earthquake or storm happens, these advancements cannot fight these things. There might even be whole industries eradicated as the people who work on them may have been wiped out by the Blip.
If we put things in perspective in the real world, there may even be middle-class people who were not struggling for resources and living in normal conditions. They are working just to feed their families and build their futures. There might be people who came from poverty, worked hard to lift themselves out of it, and are starting to prosper in life. Yet, the Blip took away their lives at the moment when they are receiving the fruit of their hard work.
Moreover, Thanos didn't simply wipe out the criminals and those people who may have been justifiably needed to be removed from the world. The Blip was random which means there are many innocent people who died while there are still criminals and evil people left that could still wreak havoc and inflict pain on other people.
What Thanos did may have provided a short relief, providing an abundance of resources but as the ancient times have proven, even if the population is few, scarcity is always present. It can also be wiped out by unexpected events in nature.
Was Thanos right or wrong? He was right about the problem, but his solution was temporary. A temporary solution that happened in exchange for billions of innocent lives. Some people may argue that his solution is right and they may have their own beliefs on why but the Blip still doesn't guarantee anything in the long run.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier airs every Friday on Disney+.
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