The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a highly-anticipated upcoming American streaming television miniseries created by Malcolm Spellman for Disney+. The series is based on the characters Falcon and Winter Soldier which were first seen in Captain America films. The series will take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, sharing continuity with the films of the franchise. The events of the series will follow the events that happened on Avengers: Endgame. The show is produced by Marvel Studios and directed by Kari Skogland. Spellman will serve as the head writer.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Release Date
In September 2018, Marvel Studios has begun developing several limited series for Disney+. The various series were focused on supporting characters within the MCU who had not starred in their own films. The actors who portrayed the roles in the film were expected to reprise their roles in the limited series. Each series were expected to have six to eight episodes, with a hefty budget that can rival budgets from a major studio production. The series will be produced by Marvel Studios instead of Marvel Television, which has previously produced television series for Marve. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is believed to have taken a hands-on role in each of the series development, where they focused on the continuity of the story from the films.
Spellman was hired to write The Falcon and the Winter Soldier limited series at the end of October 2018. The series is expected to consist of six episodes. The budgets for each episode were reportedly amounting up to $25 million. Feige described that The Falcon and the Winter Soldier have the cinematic experience that can be felt from an MCU film, which spans up to six episodes. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier release date is set for March 19, 2021.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Trailer
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was released during Disney Investor Day in December 2020. The trailer did not provide many hints to the broader MCU scope but it also showcased some old and new villains of the series such as Flag-Smashers and Zemo. Many critics were impressed with the trailer and even likened it to a trailer that can be seen for an MCU film that will be released in the theaters.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Cast
Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan will be returning as titular characters of the series. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier cast will also add new characters to the roster. Mackie will reprise his role as Sam Wilson, also known as the Falcon. He is an Avenger and a former pararescueman. He was trained by the military in aerial combat with the use of a specially-designed wing pack.
Captain America aka Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) handed the mantle to the Falcon at the end of Avengers: Endgame. However, he continues to use the Falcon name.
The series will explore how Sam will act after getting Captain America's shield. Stan will return to his role as Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier who is an enhanced soldier and Steve's best friend. Before helping to save the world, he was believed to have died in action during World War II, only to re-emerge as a brainwashed assassin in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Other cast members include Daniel Bruhl as Baron Helmut Zemo, who is a Sokovian terrorist. He wears his traditional purple mask. Emily VanCamp will play Sharon Carter, Wyatt Russell as John Walker, and Georges St-Pierre as Georges Batroc. Erin Kellyman will portray as one of the masked anarchist members of the anti-patriotism group called the Flag-Smashers. Other cast members included in undisclosed roles are Noah Mills, Danny Ramirez, Carl Lumbly, Adepero Oduye, Miki Ishikawa, and Desmond Chiam.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Plot
After receiving the mantle of Captain America, Sam Wilson will team up with Bucky Barnes to go on a worldwide adventure, as they put their abilities to the test. They will be fighting villains with the likes of Zemo and the anarchist group Flag-Smashers.
From the footage that has been released, Sam was seen to be practicing with the shied. Sam and Bucky seemed to be genuinely close after having some sort of a "frenemies" relationship. There will be a point where Bucky and Zemo will likely meet, with Batroc and Leaper probably involved. Sharon Carter would likely become an ally for the duo, considering the fact that she aided Team Captain America in Civil War.
Aside from The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, other spin-offs of series that appeared in past Avengers films include WandaVision, played by Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany, as well as Loki, who is played by Tom Hiddleston.
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