The Big Sick actor Kumail Nanjiani stunned Marvel fans when he revealed his transformation for The Eternals last year. The chubby comedian turned into a major muscle man preparing for his role as Kingo in the highly-anticipated Phase 4 Marvel movie.
Now, it looks like the Silicon Valley star's transformed again, this time as Marvel's new Wolverine. Joning a photoshoot for Men's Health magazine, Nanjiani was made to do some pretty fun poses, parodying other iconic film characters in Hollywood. The Eternals actor took pictures where he was John McClane (Bruce Willis) from Die Hard, Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, Tom Cruise's Maverick from Top Gun, and of course, Hugh Jackman's Wolverine from 20th Century Fox's X-Men movies.
Oddly enough, Nanjiani seems to fit as James Hawlett.
"Now that @kumailn has successfully completed his stunning transformation from @SiliconHBO nerd to @Marvel superhero, we asked the actor recreate a few other iconic (cut/ripped/jacked/swole) roles," Men's Health Magazine wrote in its Twitter post.
Check out the photos down here:
The actor really does look good with his new transformation. We'd like to see the actor in other intense action roles outside of Marvel's The Eternals, maybe in a future Die Hard movie, or maybe in the next Bond installment.
Of course, while we all admire Nanjiani's new physique, the transformation didn't happen overnight. The actor trained for a full year with the best physical trainers and nutritionists that Marvel could pay for. Guess it helps getting a studio sponsorship.
The Eternals is set to premiere on November 6, 2020.
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