Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves follows a band of adventurers on a mission to retrieve a powerful relic. While the main mission is to retrieve this long-lost relic, the group also aims to save Edgin’s daughter Kira, get revenge on Forge (a traitor and former member of the team), stop the Red Wizards, and find some loot (at least, for Edgin and Holga).
So what happens in the end? This article explains the ending of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.
Getting Revenge on Forge
When Edgin and Holga escape prison, they discover that Kira has been taken in by their team’s former ally Forge Fitzwilliam. He poisons Kira’s mind by telling her that Edgin left her for gold. The rogue or “conman” also betrays Edgin and the team by partnering with a Red Wizard named Sofina.
It turns out that Forge has been working with Sofina to cast an ancient ritual to turn Neverwinter’s citizens into undead soldiers so that the Red Wizard could use them for her benefit. Forge, on the other hand, plans to leave Neverwinter with riches as Sofina casts her spell.
But after the group survives a maze full of monstrous creatures, they go after Forge. They find him in his boat, along with Kira, who he uses as a hostage by placing a knife against Kira’s throat. But before Forge could harm Kira, Holga throws a potato on his head, which knocks the conman out.
The band of adventurers then escapes with the riches and the Tablet of Reawakening that were all in the ship that Forge was supposed to escape on.
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Defeating the Red Wizard Sofina
While they were about to leave Neverwinter, Edgin and the team sees dark magic over the arena. Edgin’s nature as a Harper overcomes him and he decides to keep his promise to Xenk. The team returns to Neverwinter and uses a teleportation staff to transport Forge's stolen riches out of the boat and spread it across the city to draw people out of the stadium.
Outraged by this, Sofina attacks the team, but Simon masters his magic and successfully nullifies Sofina’s time-stop spell. This allows an invisible Kira to place an anti-magic bracelet on Sofina. Doric then transforms into an Owlbear and proceeds to strike Sofina.
Holga Kilgore’s Death
After the team defeats Sofina, Edgin and Kira discover that Holga had been pierced by a Red Wizard’s blade. Simon says that nothing more could be done since it was a Red Wizard’s blade that struck Holga. And a Red Wizard’s blade meant certain death.
As Holga was dying, both Edgin and Kira realize that she was the mother that raised Kira for years. Kira cries, realizing that she couldn’t live without Holga. She and Edgin then decide to use the Tablet of Reawakening to resurrect Holga instead of Edgin’s deceased wife. Holga then returns from the dead.
The Thieves Become Heroes
The victory against Sofina allows the true Lord of Neverwinter to wake up from his illness. He then names Edgin, Holga, and the rest of the team as heroes of the realm.
While Edgin could no longer bring his wife Zia back from the dead, he ends up happy with his new family, and they are ready to go on more adventures together. Doric even allows Simon to go on a second date with her.
Meanwhile, Forge is now facing trial in the same prison where Edgin and Holga were, and he tries to use the same method that allows the duo to escape but fails.
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Will There Be a Sequel?
The movie does not have a post-credits scene, and the mid-credits scene does not hint at a direct sequel either. It merely shows the reanimated corpse of Ven Salafin, an Elk Tribe member, still begging to be asked one more question in order to rest peacefully again.
However, Jonathan Goldstein, director of the film, told ComicBook.com that there are many places for a sequel to go.
"We didn't plant any seeds, but if we're lucky enough to make another one, then I think there's so many places to go. We've created these great characters who we would love to see where they are in a year or two," Goldstein said.
RELATED: Is There a Post-credits Scene in Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves?
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is now playing in theaters.