Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves follows a group of unlikely adventurers on a mission to retrieve a powerful relic. Holga, one of the gang’s members and Edgin’s best friend is the group’s fiercest warrior, providing them protection from vicious monsters.
Holga is introduced as this tough, muscular barbarian. However, she continues to suffer grief after her tribe exiled her for falling in love with an outsider. So what's the background of the tribe that kicked out Edgin's best friend?
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The Elk Tribe in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Explained
The Elk tribe is an Uthgardt barbarian tribe of the Silver Marches. They are seen as the most arrogant and ill-tempered of the Uthgardt tribes. They regularly raid caravans and villages just for the fun of it. The Elk tribe members are known to be dangerous raiders and savage bandits. They hire themselves as guides to outsiders traveling the Evermoors and are skilled at defeating monsters.
One of its notable members is Holga Kilgore, a thief and adventurer. Michelle Rodriguez, the actress who plays Holga, describes the warrior as someone who “lives to fight foes and everyone else.”
Barbarians are strong warriors with tough personalities. But despite all the outside strength, they care very deeply for the bonds of their tribe. This caring nature does not escape Holga. She was banished from her tribe for falling in love with an outsider, Marlamin. While she was with her ex-husband, she suffered too much grief and longed to be with her tribe. This eventually led to their relationship breakdown.
So what’s the Elk tribe’s role in the movie?
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Warning: Spoilers ahead from the Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves movie. Read at your own risk!
The Elk Tribe’s Role in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Elk tribe fought with the Cult of the Dragon for control of the Helmet of Disjunction, a relic with the power to break all magic. In the Battle of the Evermoors, the Elk warriors outnumbered the Dragon Cultists, but the latter had the black dragon Rakor on their side, with the dragon vomiting acid on the barbarians.
Elk chief Stanhard Grimwulf ordered a retreat and entrusted the helmet to his fastest rider, Ven Salafin. Ven then passed the helmet to Xenk Yendar before he died. The fallen Elk tribe members were then buried at the Evermoors Cemetery.
Later on, Edgin, Holga, Simon, and Doric journey to the Evermoors Cemetery to obtain information on the Helmet of Disjunction. This helmet is their key to breaking the enchantment on Forge’s vault.
From what they gathered, the Helmet of Disjunction was last seen during the Battle of the Evermoors, which involved the Elk Tribe. Hence, the people most likely to give them the information they need are the fallen Elk Tribe warriors.
Using his magical abilities, Simon reanimates dead Elk Tribe members temporarily, so that the gang could ask questions regarding the helmet’s last whereabouts. However, Simon’s reanimation token only allows the dead to answer five questions. And to return to the dead, the Elk tribe members should answer exactly five questions.
The last person they asked was Ven Salafin, who was the last Elk Tribe member to possess the helmet. After finding out that the helmet was given to a Thayan and renowned Paladin named Xenk, the group decides to leave without finishing off the required five questions.
The mid-credits scene shows Ven, still a reanimated corpse, waiting for someone to ask him a question so that he could finally rest peacefully again.
We might see more of the Elk Tribe should a sequel be ordered for the film. And maybe then, Ven Salafin finally gets to rest in peace.
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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is currently playing in theaters.