The Disney/Fox Acquisition is Officially Complete

We're finally here. After months of waiting plus some multiple snags, the Disney/Fox merger has officially been completed.

This comes from Discussing Film on Twitter:

Probably the biggest takeaway from this is that the Marvel characters from Fox will finally be brought in to the MCU. We don't know how exactly Marvel will do it, but everyone is expecting a full reboot of Fantastic Four properties as well as X-Men. Personally, the only character I'm worried about is Deadpool, whose fate is still up in the air. Will they say that Deadpool has been in the MCU this whole time? Or will they recast the character? I'll be happy as long as we have confirmation that Ryan Reynolds is staying in the role.

While some celebrate this merger, it does come with its downsides. Depending on who you ask, the merger is speculated to be the cause of thousands of jobs lost. We don't have any confirmation yet, but hopefully, Disney does something about this. After all, they did say they will still be releasing movies under the Fox banner moving forward. Hopefully, this merger won't leave several people out to the curb.

Though the merger is complete, everyone is still waiting on what happens now. We know that it will be a while before the Marvel Fox characters come to the movies, but hopefully, Feige and his team already have something in mind moving forward. Do you think we could get a teaser as early as April?

Catch Avengers: Endgame in theaters April 26.

See Also: Disney And Fox Merger Expected To Result In The Loss Of 7500 Jobs