After the show’s premiere during the weekend, the romantic comedy anime The Dangers in My Heart is getting a special behind-the-scenes look that reveals how the staff created the series.
Specifically, this exclusive behind-the-scenes showcase will be shared on a Japanese TV program.
Ahead of the show’s broadcast, the anime’s official Twitter account gave fans a sneak peek at what to expect.
In the short video, some snippets of the early production work were shown, making it an interesting program for anyone interested in anime production.
The Dangers in My Heart: One of Spring 23’s Under-the-Radar Shows
After a fairly quiet Winter season, Spring 23 is here, and it brings lots of highly anticipated titles such as Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc, Hell’s Paradise, and Dr. Stone, among others.
While these shonen shows are getting the brunt of the excitement, romance fans also have many shows to look forward to, one of which is the under-the-radar series The Dangers in My Heart.
It might not be the most hyped anime of the season, but its premise might draw in plenty of rom-com fans.
The series’ story is reminiscent of Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible. Though instead of being invisible, The Dangers in My Heart’s main character, Kyotaro Ichikawa, has some dark fantasies of murdering popular classmates of his.
His prime target is the class idol, Anna Yamada. Though he soon discovers that Anna is a sweet and quirky girl, and his disdain for her soon fades as they become closer.
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Shin-Ei Animation Goes Behind-the-Scenes for The Dangers in My Heart
The show’s animators over at Shin-Ei Animation are sharing some interesting behind-the-scenes footage from the studio while they are working on the anime.
Aside from animation, the storyboards and the writing process for the series are also detailed.
This look at the anime’s creation will be delivered on the next episode of Onegai! Ranking Presents Soda TV which will be broadcast on TV Asahi in Japan.
Likely, the episode will only be released in Japan. But considering how it’s promoted on Twitter, there’s a chance that some snippets of it will also be shared online soon.
While it may not be a household name like MAPPA or A-1 Pictures, Shin-Ei Animation is a prolific studio that was formed way back in the 1970s.
Though the studio’s best-known modern works are Teasing Master Takagi-san and A Couple of Cuckoos.
New episodes of The Dangers in My Heart are streamed every week on HIDIVE.
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Source: Comic Natalie via Crunchyroll