The CW's Batwoman Gets First Poster and High-Res Images, Including Batman's Costume

Arrow might be ending after season 8 but The CW will carry on. We still have shows like The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow, with the newly announced Batwoman joining those slate of shows this Fall, which is still earlier than most of us expected. To celebrate the occasion, The CW has decided to show off the series' new poster and share some high-res images from the pilot episode.

Expect a five-minute trailer that spoils the whole episode, a tradition that The Flash and Supergirl did before. Should still be fun though.

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Credit: THE CW

What's really intriguing about these photos is the fact that we're getting a look at Batman's suit in this universe. No, we don't see this version of Bruce Wayne but his empty suit since Kat Kane is now the protector of Gotham. The mystery of what happened to Batman is still unknown and will likely be one of the show's most intriguing plot points.

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Credit: THE CW

Kat Kane is one of the more intriguing members of the Bat Family, and not just because she is one of DC's most-known LGBTQ characters. The fact that she was raised in the military and often struggles with her inner demons often makes her adventures intriguing. Granted, some comic stories went a bit too far for our liking (Batwoman demon hunter? Really?) the good stories are worth a read.

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Credit: THE CW

Batwoman will debut in The CW this Fall.

Read:The CW Officially Orders Batwoman Series, First Teaser Released