The Creature Compendium of Ravnica Features Details For Over 90 Magic: The Gathering Creatures

Wizards of the Coast

If you're using the Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica to run a Dungeons & Dragons game in the world of Ravnica, you may want to check out this new supplement. Created by Chris Willett, The Creature Compendium of Ravnica is an unofficial supplement for the Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering crossover experience.

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The Creature Compendium of Ravnica features roughly 94 creatures based on the creatures from Magic: The Gathering's plane of Ravnica. Willett even provided a short blurb after each stat block to add more description to the creatures.

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The Creature Compendium of Ravnica is now available on DM Guilds for $11.95 USD.

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