The Best Memes to Come Out of Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2

The Game of Thrones meme community has once again awakened with the new season finally coming out, and with it follows a wave of endless new content. Twitter and Reddit are chockfull of hot takes on the latest episode A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, and here are just some of the best that have found their way online.

Brienne with the clutch bailout ?
Seeing ghosts nonchalant return after being gone for years
Westeros gets introduced to the 'iPod'
"...Then you take another right and winterfell should be on your left mate"
Bran Simpson pleases his fans.

Admittedly the episode felt like another extension of the first, having the characters prepare for the arrival of the Night King, but it was filled with a lot of great character moments from Arya hooking up with Gendry to Brienne becoming an official knight. We also got some character interactions I wasn't expecting, like the one between Bran and Tyrion plus another reunion between Arya and the Hound.

After two weeks of waiting, it looks like we're finally going to be getting to the Battle of Winterfell next week. While I'm almost certain Jon and Dany will be safe, I'm very sure we're going to see our first major deaths happen in the coming episode. As for the characters who I don't think will survive, I have a feeling Grey Worm will be killed off since he has a lot of emotional stakes with Missandei; I also think Theon Greyjoy will go out in a blaze of glory, finally redeeming his character arc for the whole show. A death from Bran I think is also likely, but I don't expect the Night King to win at all.

The next episode of Game of Thrones comes out on HBO this Sunday.

See Also: Maisie Williams Opens Up About THAT Game of Thrones Scene