Cameras have resumed rolling for Matt Reeves' standalone Batman film and the DC flick which marks Robert Pattinson's first outing as the legendary caped crusader is rumored to follow The Mandalorian's footsteps in terms of filming technology. To the uninitiated, the Disney+ Star Wars spinoff utilizes a new tech that displays real-time backgrounds that can be used in film sets. This virtual tech serves as a way to save time and money and it also makes the cast and crew's job less-dreadful.
In a new report from The Hollywood Reporter, it was revealed by Industrial Light & Magic chief creative officer Rob Bredow that The Batman will in fact make use of the said methods first done by The Mandalorian's team. Bredow also shared that the DC film's production design team has built practical sets in the United Kingdom, as well as LED walls which will allow virtual production.
Considering the fact that "The Volume" (the unofficial name of the virtual technology) makes work a lot more efficient, it looks like Matt Reeves and company are hell-bent on finishing work on the highly anticipated film even though it's been pushed back yet again to 2022. Either that or they just want to keep up with the new industry standards which of course is a good thing and guarantees that what we'll end up seeing on the big screen has quality written all over it.
The Batman's team is currently in Chicago to film additional scenes.
Also Read: The Batman Set Photo Confirms Complicated Motorcycle Action Sequence
The Batman to Use Virtual Technology Similar to The Mandalorian's
Cameras have resumed rolling for Matt Reeves' standalone Batman film and the DC flick which mar...