The DCEU is about to venture into the multiverse with the upcoming film The Flash. However, one upcoming DC film that won't have any connective tissue to the DCEU films is Matt Reeves' The Batman which is going to be a fresh start for the Caped Crusader and will also be a standalone story. So why is it not going to be part of the DCEU multiverse? Now, we have the answer.
Per Screen Rant, in an interview with Empire, The Batman producer Dylan Clark was able to explain why they decided for The Batman to be a standalone and not connected to the DCEU. He said, "Warner Bros. has a multiverse where they're exploring different ways to use the character. We don't get involved in that. Matt is interested in pushing this character to his emotional depths and shaking him to his core."
It is great to hear that The Batman is going to be standalone and not connected at all to the DCEU since the filmmakers can focus more on the story and the characters without ever trying to tie it with the other DC films. They should take their time to develop the characters and their universe before they could go all their way to possibly connect to the entire DCEU multiverse if ever they want to go to that point.
Thanks to the success of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the MCU's Loki and Spider-Man: No Way Home, the multiverse is now a huge thing in superhero movies as it gets them the opportunity to explore different versions of the characters and connect to the older franchises in a much grander way. Fortunately, the DCEU will be exploring it soon on The Flash where we will see Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck come back as the Batman. For now, we won't see Robert Pattinson's Batman joining the multiverse shenanigans anytime soon.
Also Read: The Batman Changes Bruce Wayne's Key Characteristic According to Robert Pattinson
The Batman is set to be released in theaters on March 4, 2022.